Wednesday, February 23, 2011

So Cute!!!

We have met lots of wonderful people in the past few month; so cute is the only way I can describe this little girl.

Last week when Liam was getting blood we met Jordan Jemsek. Jordan is another patient at the clinic, she has recently became famous. Jordan is in need of a bone marrow transplant. Today I am going to ask you to go to or to become a bone marrow donor. The process will take about 20 minutes; you fill out a medical history and in about 5 days you receive your kit in the mail. Swab your cheek and send it back. Bone marrow won't help Liam, but it will help someone. To learn more about Jordan go to or

My next PSA today is please do to the next blood drive you see. Liam has had blood infusions 8 times in the past 3 months. I didn't know my own blood type until I was 18 and I can already tell you my 11 month old son is A positive. Please give blood.

Liam and Jordan 2/18/11

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1 comment:

  1. I registered to be a donor and I'm going to get Chip to do it too!
