Monday, June 10, 2013

Where is the Passion When You Need it the Most

As part of the blog ever day in May series, the topic for May 20: Get Real. Share something you have been struggling with. It has taken me this long to finish writing about this.

This is something I touched on at the beginning of the year, my New Years "resolution" was to find purpose.

I struggle with Sundays.

Depression usually sets in shortly after waking up Sunday morning if not Saturday night. And really it's not just a normal end of the weekend blues. I end up in absolute tears over having to go back to work the next day.

And it's not just pregnancy hormones either, this pattern was established well before the fetus.

I love teaching. I have an amazing group of students. They work hard, they are motivated to learn, well behaved. As a whole, my students this year the ideal boys and girls every teacher hopes for each year.

So often I hear from others that teachers have it made with summers off, finished with work before 5 o'clock...
I do not find teaching to be a family friendly profession. Students may go home before 5, and yes I do too, but only because I don't want to leave Liam at the sitter's that long. We get home, after feeding Liam I find something to entertain Liam while I continue to work.

And I cannot tell you how many times you will find me at work at 5am.

And I'm not the only one feeling this way. Teaching in a district with nearly 200 schools, the system has assigned a task force to investigate staff moral.

Teachers being under appreciated and bullied is not limited to public perception, it begins directly with administration.

I love teaching, I love watching the growth if students throughout the year. But I am ready for a break. With a lot if anxiety I have decided to take a year of maternity leave after the baby comes.

I hope to see you here more with many updates on Liam and Baby Fudge each week!
Wish me luck!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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  1. Dawn, find another school to work in. I know Amy is so much happier since she left Winterfield. I wish I had transferred rather than retire.. your health is far more important than any job. I will pray.. but believe me having been in that environment I know what you are going through. It is not you!!!

  2. I hope that there is a way that this all works out for you, Dawn. I don't know you personally, but I can tell from your writings that you have the most important trait a teacher can have - you love to teach. Our children deserve teachers like you, but our teachers should not have to dread going to work each day. :(
