Tuesday, December 28, 2010


A few times a week we have to take Liam to the doctors for blood work. The nurse draws blood and runs his "counts". When the doctor comes in they give us all these numbers. And at first thats all they are; numbers. Here are some of the numbers of hepatoblastoma, cancer and Liam.

1%- hepatoblastoma cases are only 1% of childhood cancers

2- cycles of chemo Liam has had so far

3- the number of blood transfusions Liam has had

4- the number of times Liam has been admitted to the hospital

5- Liam is 5 pounds under weight

6- number of ultrasounds Liam has had

8- the hemogloblin level (red blood cells) the doctors want to keep him above

39- the number of days we have known of Liam's pain

50- the number of hepatoblastoma cases in the US each year

750- ANC (white blood count) level needs to be above to begin chemo

I can keep going... but I won't. In our new world of numbers. the important ones are the countless ones. The number of prayers, thoughts and donations we have received.

After his appointment today we know Liam's hemoglobin level is 7.9, under the magic number 8. This means he may need another blood transfusion. Because he was in such a great mood these last few days, the doctors are going to let us wait til his chemo treatment on Thursday to see what his level is then.

He has been in the best mood the last few days. I appear to have my baby back. I am enjoying every minute with him while he is feeling good. He has loved playing with all his new toys.
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